For your account and asset security, verification of Google 2-FA need to be verified in critical operations. If your entered Google 2FA code is expired or invalid, please check the following steps:

  • The verification code is valid for 30 seconds only.  Please make sure the code hasn’t changed,  If it has changed enter the new code.

  • Google Authenticator is used for validation for many websites and applications.  Please check and that you have entered the verification code for Proassetz only.

  • Please synchronize your phone's time until of seconds, the difference between your phone's time and our server time can not exceed 30 seconds.

  • If none of the above solutions work, you can unbind Google 2FA and bind it again.

  • NOTE: If you are trying to unbind Google 2FA and bind it again, you must have your secret key.  You have received the key when you bound Google 2FA for the first time.